Currently Need Greaters in Thailand

Aaron’s first part (since being back!)


At our very first meeting in Thailand, we were both told we have already been assigned talks! Aaron’s came around this week while we have the CO…no pressure! Here are a few clips from his digging for spiritual gems part!!! I might be bias, but I think he did great 👍


The really cool thing is, Aaron didn’t use hardly any transcribed notes at all. For the most part he only used Thai as reference. Check out what his notes for the talk looked like:

And I’m not too far behind him!!! This is what my comments look like, although I did transcribe it before giving the comment. I’m not quite as hard core as aaron is!!!

slowly but surely, we are making progress! stay tuned for my first talk coming up soon!!

P.S! be sure to subscribe to this blog! That way you’ll be emailed when I post something new and you don’t have to be bothered checking randomly when I haven’t done anything!!



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